this is dedective sipowicz. you know, i can't understand this. why can't i park on essex street? uh, how is that a police matter? your car was identified last night at the scene of a double shooting. why were you parked there, you living so far away? why can't i park on essex street? you're in a grave situation. obstructing a homicide investigation-- that makes you complicit in the crime. i could go to prison? if you hold back information that you know to be relevant, yes, you will be locked up, because we're gonna do what we have to do... to find out the truth. why'd mike want your car there? - i don't know what you're talking about. - sure you do. - no. - why did he want it there? that's all he told me. and you did park it there like he asked? he said he needed to use the car to take care of some business. the next couple of minutes are really important minutes in your life, miss taylor. you have to be honest. [taylor] that's all he said. and he said that it was gonna be good-- that things were gonna be good for us once he took care of this, he was gonna leave his wife. [groans