then you had the famous story with dee o'hara who was our nurse there having a problem. she complained to dee and he heard about it and what wally did, a we got in big fight, got water jug, filled it with tea, put a little detergent in it, made it foam, and then set it on his desk. one urine sample in the morning. we always had little things that we would do for each other and shepherd was great for that, too. i mean one time we were on the pad and he was there and gus was there and the chief engineer for nasa at that time got a call, you need to go to cocoa beach for press conference but he didn't have a car. so he said, oh, man, i need to get to cocoa beach. shepherd says, heck, take my corvette. the astronauts were having all the great corps vetvettes. he said i ride with grissom. he had one. they give him the keys. next thing i notice is here goes shepherd to the window, watch roy take off, picks up the phone, called security. he says some s.o.b. has took my gray corvette. he is heading for the south gate. the south gate had four guards. they didn't even ask the quest