limitation on what the designer is supposed to do hover which is proposed value engineering propose deedee ductable alternatives is not limited if 9 reason the redesign is necessary because of negligent errors acts or omissions on behalf of the design team so the process to bring the fixed the costs in line about the budget limit is an ongoing process throughout the course of design and construction and they have the obligation to redesign throughout the process but if it becomes apparent the costs overruns are because of negligence and the architect their additional ramification for the architect and those are your standard contractual remedies negligence with 4r0ib9d damages and the contract has fairly standard provisions from the design on remedies. >> so for a schedule status no accountability for discriminated on the contract. >> there is a design schedule that was part of the original contract i'd have to look at the details but that was when first awarded a different project and i'd have to go back and see if that scheduled was a, in fact changed from a button to a top detain approach i'm su