host for reality or reality competition program are -- tom bergeron, "dancing with the stars," cat deeleyseries are -- "the colbert report," "conan," "the daily show with jon stewart," "saturday night live," "real time with bill maher" and "late night with jimmy fallon." >>> nominees for lead actress in a comedy series are -- edie falco, "nurse jackie," tina fey, "30 rock," laura linney "the big c," melissa mccarthy, "mike & molly." >> yikes. >> martha plimpton, "raising hope" and amy poehler, "parks and recreation." [ applause ] >> okay. keep it together. the nominees for lead actor in a comedy series are, alec baldwin, "30 rock," louis c.k., "louie," steve carell, "the office," " johnny galecki, "the big bang therapy," matt leblanc "episodes," and jim parsons, "the big bang theory." >> let's complete the announcements by bringing back john schaffner to announce the final category. >> hello again. the nominations in the comedy series category are -- "the big bang theory," "glee," "modern family," "the office," "parks and recreation," and "30 rock." melissa, the academy congratulates you