want to bring in deepak chopra. what are the young people and programs like this doing right?ay our leadership today is antiquated and it's broken and that we need a new generation, new way of thinking for leaders? >> i have an acronym i use, "l" stands for look and listen, not just the eyes of the flesh but the mind and the soul. "e" stands for emotional bonding and team management. "a" stands for awareness. what are we seeing? what are we observing? what are we feeling? what's the need right now? what's the best response to the need? "d" stands for doing. action, orientation, smart goals. "e" for empowerment. "r" for responsibility and "s" for sin con nisty. we have to look at what is the immediate need in this country? and these kids are getting the right training, by the way. and that's the kind of training we need our young leaders to take over. you know, not looking outside for leadership, but bringing the leader within you outside. that's what education means. to bring out what's already there. >> so let me ask you about this crisis in america, the self-esteem problem a