now there is hope that a new satellite tracking system will help stop the deforesttation. >> peru isone of the most bio diverse countries in the world. that's under threat from logging, about 80% of the trees that are cut down here are done so illegally. now a new system has created, it has been implemented across the world, but it's makers say that it can help countries like peru using satellite imagery that pinpoints where trees are disappearing and alerts authorities faster than ever before where they're going missing. here in peru that's only part of the problem. authorities that are meant to regulate the forests frequently sell fake permits to logging companies so they can cut down trees. people who are trying to stop that really seem to be banging their heads against the wall here. for example, the ex-head of the regulating authority was fired after he tried to clamp down on big logging companies. so although technological advances like this one could really help, there are only going to be effective when there is political will to sort this out on the ground. >> the biggest ab