so, we are on a journey towards more diversity and towards a more localised approach. 0k, degan ali,raising, "should be based on amplifying "the dynamic work our communities themselves "are engaged in." and yet, you know, i've looked at some of the country websites that you have for save the children. the one in the us has what has been described as "poverty porn" — you know, the emaciated children, all the babies with the flies around theirfaces — and people like degan ali don't like these images of starving children used to raise money because they say it kind of portrays africans as kind of passive spectators. fair point? i think if you look at how the aid industry have been portraying people in the past, i think that is something that should stay in the past. i think we really need to think about how we describe our work, not only how we do it. save the children has just gone through a big brand exercise where we are updating our brand, who we are and how we talk about ourselves. the new save the children is very much focused on children themselves, children's voices, making sure