francine: deglobalization. so this is, what, bringing back onshoring? bruce: all it is is -- i think in covid -- i would say it has always been happening and in covid, people just learned we should have production capacity located in -- many things, located where you use them. so increasingly, for example, batteries. for cars, for example. they're being used in america and therefore, there are battery plants getting built in america. and there is an enormous need for capital to fund battery plants. there's enormous need for semiconductors. enormous need for manufacturing capacity in various locations around the world. and it's just natural that everyone doesn't want to have all of their manufacturing capacity in one country or place. let's diversify. so that is just a big theme, which means it's just a lot of capital. francine: you make it sound very easy, but actually, this has gotten you, like, more than $900 billion in assets under management. bruce: you know, it's not easy. but if you have operating people and you keep repeatable -- do repeatable th