degraff 95. -- paragraph 95. you say quite frankly you feel this represents a missed opportunity come is that right? >> well, i do. i do feel that. i mean, many of the things that happened subsequent has led to this inquiry, may not happen if we been able to enact. and i think in the interest of the good majority of the press, the press would have fallen into the disrepute in which the criminal activities had laid. if these changes have been made, i don't think many of the things that subsequently happened would have happened. so in that sense it was a missed opportunity. it was a mess, but it was a missed opportunity that was unavoidable. it wasn't a missed opportunity just because we should be. it was a missed opportunity because we couldn't do. we did not have the votes to do it. and in addition to that, of course, was a general philosophical differences and problems attracting, but the underlying, cut away all the extraneous stuff, we couldn't have carried it through parliament. so it was a missed opportunity