h gadt: and -- o deha os feegoe taoueoy payments paid by online radio stations and whetheradio -- or terrestrial radio stations shld also pay ryalties to or. 's i y g drd eag b ist thyo s itgoba t hacon r you? >> guest: well, it's definitely a concern for the committee because we have a numb o different platforms on whic coerrost ofbo os heil o inetaie ou oos. and each one seems to have a different standard and a different rate. so there is a fairness issue adsereeeds to be examined a thofou ya erero t gh t,ohek yiha some inances we're paid a royalty, and in some instances we're n. and so, again, tt has to be adesseasl. en d , ve ioouvoon brasusan ithag awt rgve fmther ystop are receiving this same kind of content. so it's extraordinarily complicated issue, but it's one that i think wdo need to ta a