dehghaninia, the goods whose authenticity cannot be confirmed by inquiry from the trading community system will be seized by the smuggler and the case of the offending trade union units of the supplier will be submitted to the legal authorities. a series of knowledge they don't have the goods, the method of different brands, mostly they don't have the story of repeating parts. it means that the goods identification card means that it is not fraud, it means that it is not smuggling, where there is nothing, there is nothing. some of the parts that are inside the accessories have product identification. some of them do not have product identification. please see here. just because he wants to make more profit on this product , he buys it, he gives me a consumer, i am a genuine gentleman, come, take it, consume it, but the non-completion of the monitoring chain of the product, nor the lack of transparency, has led to the abuse of some trade unions. this example the identification tags of the operator, the cia comes and puts them on the goods, which should not be like this at all , it should be