ronald reagan, warren buffett, deirdre, the president, no reasonable person that i know feel this iss is the american way. we are not supposed to have a system that is read. -- rigged. we're not supposed to have a system with one set of rules for the very wealthy and one set of rules for everybody else. -- we are not supposed to have a system that is rigged. we have maintained our position that nobody under $250,000 would have their taxes raised. where i come from, that is wealthy. we are talking about the very wealthy. time and again, ladies and gentlemen, middle-class americans have shown their willingness to stand up and do their part in times of political, economic, or military crisis. time and again. but the one thing in the neighborhoods i come from, and i suspect all of you, the one thing we don't like being played for is a sucker. the one thing we don't like. [applause] when you all pay your taxes next week, you and every citizen in new hampshire and my home state of delaware ought to be able to know that everyone else is paying their fair share as well. but the truth is you