now, deirdre mccloskey, omni morality of socialism. good morning. i'm david burton, senior fellow in economic policy at the heritage foundation. our subject today is is it humane to be a socialist? highly relevant subject it is. today's event is the fifth and the speaker series we call free-market, the ethical economic choice. the provides a moral and ethical critique of socialism and makes the case for the moral superiority of a free economy. i want to bring to your attention the next two events in the series on november 15 george giller of the discovery institute will give a talk called capitalism, is an information learning system. and november 30 mike monger of duke university will give a talk, and poverty is a real problem in capitalism is the only solution. i would also like to bring to your attention an event that's not part of the series but may be of interest to you on november 16 gregory may will be here to talk about his new book, jefferson's treasure, how albert Ãsaved the new nation from debt. gallatin i think is a seriously underestima