. >> commissioner dejesus: i just have two more questions. just bear with me. one of the things that we've learned from the homeless issues is there are people out there that have ptsd, people who cannot live in congreggate settings, who cannot be in close quarters with other people, so there's some people who have those issues. i guess i want to know what is being done for those that shelters are inappropriate, and how often does this alternative service occur in the field? >> yeah. that's a great question, because oftentimes, public health is at the table. if an officer encounters a situation where the person says look, officer, i would like to go to the shelter this evening, but i just don't want to be indoors, etc., that's communication that we immediately get back to public health on, person's name, information, way to contact them, where they normally are, and we try to make that public health warm handoff so we can figure out a way to fix that situation. >> so commissioners, i would just elaborate slightly and say we do have some beds with the hot team t