i�*mjust wondering, deko, what are you doing to get that demographic back to work? what we have been pushing is based on the needs from elderly workers, which is the biggest demand from elderly workers is the flexibility of work. you know, just think about it. you know, if you became older, they don�*t want to work for 40, 50 hours a week or five days a week. they prefer to have flexibility for work. that�*s the biggest demand. what we are hearing from, i would say it�*s not only japan, all countries. and what we have been doing is how can we slice full time jobs to to be more flexible, just one day, two days a week type ofjobs for two persons. also, we what we are providing is now we call indeed frax, which is more like a shift based hiring or shift based job matching. and, you know, it�*s actually really welcomed by elderly people who prefer to have flexible work. there�*s something like 70 to 100 million people in the united states right now with a criminal conviction. so i�*m wondering, could labour shortages mean more opportunities for people with a criminal re