delaro la roinda it so manies lt will have a chance for the jury to get more information and see where it goes. >> at one point, the defense wanted the jurors to come back in the courtroom to get the answer provided to them, and the prosecutions said no. and the judge said no, one single handwriting on a note to give to the jurors. here we are at 7 o'clock in the east. we want to thank susan and judge alex. and our colleague greg jarret who is an opportunity to help us try to understand it. this is the third time we hear from the jury and the second time, they want more clariction on manslaughter and exactly what kind of clarification, we are about to find out. >> and thanking jennifer and candace. we go to harris falker with the fox report. >> fox urgent. a busy saturday as we are on verdict watch in the george zimmerman murder trial, playing out in central florida. we'll split screen it and you will see the field we often see, there is activity going on in the courtroom and has been in the last now minutes, but when they are in side-bar, as they are talking about yet another question