was not involved in any of the major initiatives in the security and to speak to [inaudible] delauro roosevelt had this idea and she had been inculcated with this idea that if you could import farmers to an ideal collective community, provide them with barnes, schools for the children, houses you would be able to create one something. it was in the death of the coal mining district. the land was not very good, but this was the first project so it got a lot of conversation and really needed it and it affected was pretty much a disaster overspend on the house is the imported houses to the district from new england that turned out to not to be insulated. the government spent $10,000 per family when the budget was 2000. they wanted to give every family a house before they realized most of them had never built. [laughter] and they built the schoolhouse for the children of the families with of the latest education and families could discover their kids are learning how to read, write and do arithmetic so it all came but existed. on the other hand she really was a beacon on civil rights. the whole co