which is a book by a guy named delbert king. is about the life of thurogood marshall before he was ever anyone's judge but was mitigating cases in the south at tremendous risk to himself but basically fighting for justice. so those are just three of them and i'm reading at least two books at all times so that's what i will be doing in july. booktv continues with a look at the increasing importance governments and businesses are giving to the idea of happiness in order to increase economic performance. will davies author of "the happiness industry" takes a look at this trend and questions if it really is good for us. [inaudible conversations] [inaudible conversations] >> hello everyone. welcome to the powerhouse arena. this is your first time here i would like to say that this is the arena portion of our evening which is to say we have a great event for you tonight. we regularly have awesome events but we are very excited for this one, the book launch of "the happiness industry" with will davies and simon critchley. neither progr