gadhafi part ii, and we're stuck in the cycle of mutual delegit mization. i think one worrisome development we've seen in the last several weeks is the fragmentation of authority on both sides. we speak about these two camps. the dawn camp in the west the dignity camp in the east. these are loose coalitions of militias, different power centers and they're fragmenting. and on the one hand that fragmentation is encouraging because it allows you to identify moderates that you can peel off and bring into a dialogue. that's what's happening with the u.n. sponsored peace talks underway. but at the same time, that's worrisome. you have spoilers. just as these talks were underway, you had carrying out an air strike yesterday, which is very worrisome. and i think threatens to torpedo the peace talks. let me say a word about the rise of isis. the idea of libya as a base, as a haven for extremism is not new. obviously it existed under gadhafi with the city of durna and syria. after the revolution, you had the growth of al qaeda affiliated groups, and, indeed general h