this is a piece of english delft, probably bristol. - right. - i'm not good on the english delft factoriesis slight fear that most-- most other people aren't either. we seem to change our opinion - of where a piece of delft was made... - yeah. - ...every other week. - oh, right. somebody digs up a shard in wincanton and they find out there's another one in liverpool and is it halfway between? um, that's sort of 1760. ( clears throat ) a rare thing. how much was this? i didn't pay very much for it. i bought it at a boot sale again. how much is not very much? £1. ( laughs ) will you take two? ( laughs ) no, no, no. i'd need more profit than that. well, you'd be mad to. i think we're pushing the upper hundreds here. - really? - yeah. i think 600, 800, no problem at all. all right. well, big money then. - you did well there. - good heavens. man: right, so this telegram ooh. where did this come from? same sort of place, i'm afraid. boot sale, yeah. what do you do as a job? building is my job. it's what i do, but, uh-- - really? - --but on the weekends, i go to the boot sales. you have an amazin