, kelly, von kerr, pannedrani, kesh baum, oh leery, greg buff in, morena moreno, anderson, and dell seymour. go ahead. >> good afternoon, my name is freud. i'm here to express my opposition to this cabinet. i'm a telecom communication professional myself and i do know a thing about this business. i put this here to remind everybody what you are talking about. we are talking about ugliness and defacing our street and bringing down morale. i'm not going to stand here and complain. i'm going to talk about solutions. how does the city allow at&t to use under the over pass areas that there is no foot traffic or people can't see it. there is a lot of places that city parks it's cars or cal trans. they can use it for these areas. also there are a bunch of public places and many parks that these boxes could be installed but not way they are absolutely not. in cellphone business, a lot of these companies have worked with businesses to create aesthetically pleasing to look like trees or things to hide these ugly boxes where people can't deposit garbage or what have you. also i'm not buying the fact t