. >> founders tanisha reinhardt and della burns created philly girls jump last april as a way to stayt while reliving their childhood memories. >> founders tanisha reinhardt and della burns created philly girls jump last april as a way to stay fit while reliving their childhood memories of playing double dutch, the popular game of jumping inside two long ropes, turning in opposite directions. >> the mission of philly girls jump is not only to empower the spirit of fun and joy, but to also build community. >> the group formed after the ladies created a public facebook invite. much popularity, we grew with it. the group holds weekly and >> the group holds weekly and monthly double-dutch sessions for people of all ages during the spring and summer all while giving back to the community. >> we partnered with another organization and we gave out over three hundred and fifty school supplies to the children. >> and it's free for anyone to join. >> people show up just to jump and have fun. >> is there a technique? what's the trick?! >> keep the beat. >> yes, keep the rhythm. move your feet an