. >>> the chair recognizes the delman from rhode island for five minutes. >> i think of alexander hamilton, one of the great founders. my friend mentioned were allowed to be appalled by the conduct of this committee. i'm thinking the chairman for convening this hearing on this very important question. the hearing is entitled "tran01, : constitutional processes for addressing presidential misconduct " >> sorry, was that addressed to me? >> article 1 lays out congress's authority, and they are multiple. certainly, the legislative power includes oversight as an essential part of it, but also in article 1 is the power to impeach. those -- they are not all alternative. >> are you saying impeachment is the principal process? >> i -- >> to address presidential misconduct. toxic i think it's one of the processes. i think is more of a continuum. as i mentioned my testimony during nixon, during the watergate hearings there was actually -- almost a year went by before there was a referral to the full house on a vote on the article. >> so i think it's hard to separate, i would say. >> i agree. i think