the warhead moved to the court room delman code stared to sick the law on the coca-cola corporation. we know that the consumption. of sugar and these products exceed the american heart association what are you asking for from coca-cola well what do you want this company we want coca-cola to end their deceptive marketing practices they have spent 120000000 dollars in 5 years between 201-2015 falsely advertising the products. the multinational retaliated by accusing the pastors of freedom of speech violations. and after suing for legal expenses a threat with several $1000000.00 coca-cola now demands that the case be dropped. coca-cola statement. the allegations here are likewise legally and factually meritless and we will vigorously defend against them. the allegations are that coca-cola misled about the science of sugar sweetened beverages because their executives in the press made statements like there is no link between sugar sweetened beverages and diabetes and we know that is not the case. whenever the soft drink industry is in the dark the same line of defense just gonna be hard