when i see these things happening to, you see delmore use a racial word recently and kathy griffin who cut the head off donald -- if you haven't seen that, this is a tremendously colossal stupid thing to do. she shouldn't have done the second follow-up press conference. if she made a genuine apology and would have disappeared for a year and that is a good thing to do when you do something like that, she could probably come back. but she made a big mistake of getting a lawyer saying that he was ruining her life. one thing i would share it was the hardest for me to digest is you see the world destroying you, piling up on you and one of the things i still think about today friends tha praised or and politics you hear voices of people who were destroying you and you wish there would be somebody just as loud standing up for you. look at the politics. so then you move on in life. >> we want time for a few questions. i wanted to close with you went to rehab and turned you turn yoe around and are now doing consulting. do you find that moment in time will define you always, are you accepting of