priceless, i asked who on the world stage is a contralto, yes, these are such superstars, there are lana delrayor this is from the outside, or well, you tell me: is this what i think or not, that well, somehow, teams decide for them more, it is easier for them, you, irina, well, you have to do everything yourself, like many artists, this is yes, of course, of course, but you are talking about world stars now, irina verkovich is not a world star, yes, of course, that's great, that's wonderful, i am currently working on having my own team, yeah, i am thinking about having my own director who will be engaged in creativity, not creativity, but in organizing work. now i am trying to show that i am really very strong, i am really strong, i can do a lot, and i am grateful to the lord god for these powers, to my parents, but sometimes i also i want to be weak, sometimes i also want someone to make a decision for me, to say, ir, this is better, this is not right, i will always listen, i will always listen, i will even probably be the person who will lead me, and i will go, and i will be grateful for thi