uh, some would still depend uh many of which delta dental united states, including the europeans, but the united states. uh at this point has uh, not tried to, to uh to make sure that all its vassal states would vote with, with the u. s. united states. uh, did not uh, the, uh, the on the europeans did not give an order to its vassals, to use your language, to make sure that they aligned themselves with the met with a new american position. the united states has just changed its own position and is arguing, uh, with, with, went to europe is about the wisdom of that position. so it's not, as it's not as simple as the does, it does it sometimes as, as, as it's something i know sometimes it looks also let me, let me underline one important issue. many of the country is uh of the, with the bricks group, including china and india did not vote with russia on that very important issue of the chinese of the in just abstain. they have their own reasons why they upstate, you know that, but they've always been abstaining on the, on, on that issue of probably because of the issue of jo doyle, inte