the researches include the new demain they've created around the object in their calculations it's as if they packed it in a box they then calculate the transition from soft surroundings to the hard structure that defines the surface of the object and gives information about its stability. they want to use the new method to determine the stability of historical monuments and other objects of cultural significance like the statues displayed in new next to take museum. how stable are these historical works avant. where might they need to be restored. the researches have taken many photos of this statue ready. again they put it in his virtual packaging and then analyzed it stability the problems that are seen in red is in the area of the ankle. the research is aimed to coax a wealth of invisible information out of the images. of course you can simply look at the statue and try to see whether it's going to hold but we want to look inside it me i love you boy you know and charm our aim is to discover more in the image than is visible with the naked eye we can. ancient sites can be a big to