a delusion-- dementia puglistica. you're punch-drunk, commander. a hard shot to the head and neck collapses the carotid artery and cuts the flow of blood to the brain. rebral tissu the hook! the head and neck twist laterally the head snaps back, rupturing tissue in the cerebellum and upper spinal cord! yes! ( sighs ) and the result... of all this poetry i imotion? neuralgic dysfunction chronic traumatic encephalopathy loss of balance and coordination loss of memory. starting to sound... familiar? neelix: chakotay's fine. he just needs a little conditioning, that's all. he needs to listen to his doctor and not to his fantasies. step into that arena and you'll become what you most fear. what a a you talking about? oh, he knows what i mean. don't you, chakotay? hmm? what's wrong? victory... defeat, knockout t.k.o.... it's all beside the point. "a crazy old man..." hmm? ( chuckling ) it's your fate, your destiny. there's no escape. you just got to do your best. you can't let yourself get into your fears. i'm not afraid. neelix: who said you were? ( pan