. >> the simple pleasures trotter has gained are about to be taken away from demetrius burks. >> justther day in paradise right here. 204 ccu, a.k.a., hell. >> burks is currently in the ccu, the custody control unit. but prison officials have decided to give him 15 months in the secured confinement unit for attacking a corrections officer. he will live in the same type of sell trotter did for the last ten years. >> i've learned not to touch the police because they will touch you back. >> the transfer could come any day. but burks might have even bigger problems. >> the case will also go to the prosecutor for their consideration of charges to be filed on the outside against burks. >> if the prosecutor pursues the case and burks is found guilty, he could get another six years added to his current 55-year sentence for murder. >> it is what it is. just messed up. but it's prison life. >>> coming up -- >> i try myself to sleep a lot just thinking about it because he's still my baby. >> demetrius burks gets a welcome visit from home and another visit that could change his life for the worse