organization if you feel inclined, the organization is called thorn founded by ashton kutcher and demi moore, and that is what they do. they work on the technology side of this issue. it is a very complex issue on the technology side, and that is specifically what they do. they are based in san francisco and are great organization. nicole: i will ask you one question as we allow folks to come to the microphone for questions, you talked about young people and how they will be the ones to change everything. if you could give tips, whether that how this is a career and something that people are called to, or how they could be engaged citizens, how can they be good citizens on this issue? give a few taps and then we will turn to our young people. cindy: people come to me all the time and say what can i do, i want to get involved, but they have in their heads, rescue. this is not what this is about. there are organizations that do it like ijm, what we do is more training awareness, we help design legislation, we help people understand what is going on in their own state or country, and how they c