i mmut tell you that no one is xempt--- &prepuulicans,,demmcratt, ministeess obbyisss, bbreaucrats, edia, u.s military generaas, resiients, the political scene are susceptible to this corruption. an 18th centtryycommentator &lord cton corrrctly pummarizes the iren call, 3 power corrupts absolutely". a more modern day igure, governor ohn kasich of ohio gave some advice to some young in october on theecaapaign --3 traillforrromney when he said thattits ot healtty to stay -3 in ggvernmenn forever and know your limits. gov. kassch - highlighted this point when he sppke about his careee as - chairman and hy he lefttfor the private ector after years of workiig in ashington as a poogressman in hho's 12th district. givenn he toxiccty pf pplitical ower ii washington dc, i can thiik of no better amendment to the states of amerrca than ttrmm limits. for more on ttis storr visst behind tte & eadlines dot net..and foolow 3 push in maryland aryland.how 3 convvnce state lawmakerrs on fox 45 news att ive. 3 3 3 3