surprisingly smart if they're exposed to moderately bright light and the sensor is connected to a kind of demmer they will control their light supply on their own. not first nothing much happens the average value is fairly steady and then after a certain time two or three days this average value starts to oscillate up and down . the light varies between bright and the plant create its own day night rhythm. one thing we discovered working on this project is that plants are capable of learning from experience. in loopback data from the sensors is fed into robots the more precisely the scientists can gauge of plants needs the more precisely they can control its growth . this warm of tiny robots learns how much life is needed and look for places where the plants can get it. eventually they will act as guides for the plants showing them the way. other robots will break climbing frames for them. on duncanson and they could interact with the plants leading them along a particular pathway of blue light. or giving them red light to keep them away from darker place is simple to understand and understands