they face serious problems in the future, democgravy.hey soon will face a circumstance where the number of arabs exceeds the number of jews in the region. secondly . it doesn't come from tanks . it will comes from rockets. it can reach israel. thirdly, isolation. israel supporting the united states is very strong, particularly in the house of representatives. we will continue to be the united states as an unshakeable commitment to israel's security. >> its support is gradually declining in other parts of the world, particularly in europe and asia. palestinians face a similar problem. i told chairman arrow fat directly i did two tours of duty. the first was when arafat was in power n 1947 the united nations, to create two countries. israel ab cemented t the pal stippians rejected it. the first war started. one by israel as has every war since then. i believe most sensible arabs today would gladly accept the 47 proposal if it was on the table. they have rejected every proposal since then. what i said to arafat and later to abbas was: there