for instance, domestic violence is huge, and i believe it's bigger than in any modern demock rahsy in the world. if you added up all the women who have been murdered by their house bands or boyfriends -- husbands or boyfriend since 9/11 and add up the americans killed in 9/11, many more women have been murdered by their husband and boyfriend than that figure. >> violence against women is cross-cultural and is at staggering levels. adults worldwide strangled or aborted 150 million infant girls or females because they wanted a boy. why is violence against women, cross-cultural, if you are saying it doesn't have a biological root, why does it seem to be everywhere? >> first of all, it's not absolutely everywhere, there are some cultures that we see and we are coming out of it in various ways. patriarchy is a political system, like colonialism was a political system. that was everywhere too. racism - you know, the just ifghts for the colon -- justification for the colonisation for africa and northern americans was profound racism that people could not adapt to the future, you were almost