want to let you know we've been having merging office of economic workforce development with the demon el nino for preparation for businesses what to begin to inform businesses will b and how to get out the information but i think that some of the key element we'll streets every business should make sure their phone is enabled to get texts so register for sf alert we'll be sending anti information and once that information is received then to follow any updates through the public utilities and the department of emergency services they'll be providing updates we know the big storm is succumbing in 3 days to make sure. >> duck and coffer. >> really want to encourage the businesses to download the 311 app and use the app for catch based on that are clogged or issues with the public right-of-way that might effect the out flow of water and time to make sure that businesses are preparing for the flooding and leakages in the sub basement and sandbag can be where they can get free sandbags to make sure they have the proper insurance not just flowed insurance but the potential of power outages fire and