now, den dennis richardson gives us a look back. >> reporter: assault weapons account for about 1% of all guns in private hands. but in a 21-month period in the year of 1994 and '95, assault weapons counted for 13% of all fatal shootings of law enforcement officers nationwide. 20 of those deaths are guns with high capacity magazines, firing dozens of rounds without reloading. and last month, 3,000 officers and friends turned out for the funeral of the oakland police officer, james williams. the person who shot him from ambush was armed with such a weapon. he did have a large mag, a large capacity one. >> that is the view of most people. you don't need these fake clips to protect yourself. >> reporter: the senator and the coalition of almost a dozen other members of congress, will introduce a bill next week, to ban the import and sale of any magazine clip that holds more than ten rounds. but that bill will be facing well-known oppositions. >> and the magazine has 11 rounds instead of 10. no one will be hurt by that fact. and when you pass laws against having 11 rounds instead of ten, p