he went between us and he went into the den, he took down a book on the top shelf and said you come out here and sit by me. we didn't argue with harry truman, we sat down and opened the book, and he started to read. my mother came down a few minutes later and stopped cold at the bottom of the steps. neither of us were moving. we were sitting there on the arms of the chair. while he read to us from a book that didn't have any pictures in it. my mother said, what in god's name are you reading to those children? he showed her. history of the pelatinisian war at 6:00 in the morning to a 4-year-old and 2-year-old. >> is this true that someone went through your grandmother and said, can you get your husband to stop using the word manure, and her response was, you don't know how long it's taken me to get him to use the word manure. >> as far as i could tell, yes, it's true. and i'm going to keep telling it. >> there was a play that was called give 'em hell harry. >> can you give a line from that. >> you have to think of a good one from that show. and now you put me on the spot. he starts off one line by saying, i never saw myself as presid