that is when deng xiaoping liberated the country from socialist economics. they held on to mao and the imagery of the party and the people's republic of china. what is so interesting is the word that chinese people use when they describe that moment, the moment when the collective farms and factories were disbanded. the word means in chinese to literally unfetter a prisoner. >> to release. >> exactly. it is such a visceral picture and that is how it feels for people. that is the day when they were sent out on their own to figure out what it meant to be chinese. >> why did deng xiaoping decide to do this? who educated him? >> he is a remarkable story. in the end, it was survival that drove his decision. he recognized he was not an economist, but he was smart and surrounded himself with great economic minds and practical people. they realized that the mao era of economics was leading them to ruin. in 1978, china had a lower standard of living than north korea per capita income. if they continued in that path, everything they fought for would be lost. what he r