and joining us now, denis mcdonough, he's the chief of staff over at the national security council. s from the white house. denis, thanks very much for coming in. f >> thanks for having me, wolf, it's very good to be with you. >> what can you tell us about faisal shahzad's motive in apparently going to times square and allegedly wanting to blow people up? >> you know, wolf, beyond what the attorney general said yesterday, which it's clear that this was an effort to kill and maim americans, we don't really have anything additionally. i don't have anything additionally to give you right now on motive. >> well, maybe you don't have anything to give me, but do you guys, inside, do you know what his motive was, without releasing the details to us, publicly? >> well, we're trying to get to the bottom of it, wolf. we're obviously continuing to get very important and helpful information in this case. we're obviously peeling back the onion on this to make sure that we can gather additional information, both about what was a motivation for him, but as importantly, what this tells us about what