hello, join our broadcast denis svetlana abramova, today we will discuss current topics with you andourage you to think about seriously today is tuesday, september 20th. this is seriously winter coming, meanwhile in egypt they are starting to build new pyramids, and the building material for them is being caught with nets from the nile. this is not a fish, but mountains of garbage that are rapidly growing above it. tons of rivers, bottles, plastic cans and other waste of civilization presses large and light blocks, from which it is very convenient to build pyramids of the 21st century. yes, the sights of egypt will surely attract its tourists who want to take an unusual selfie. the reason for the demonstrative cleaning of the nile was the upcoming un global climate conference, which will be held in egypt in november , about another garbage problem. not the first year. september in amendments to the civil code came into force, which allows the eviction of such tenants, how the mechanism will work and whether it will help solve the problem dealt with the promised experts, as you know,