denise senhaux. tiffany yu. orkid sassouni. helen smolinski. gesean lewis wood. all right, we have roll call. >> co-chair madrid: thank you. would you please read the item >> clerk: now we have reading of the agenda. and on the agenda today we have item number one, welcome and roll call. item number 2, an action item, reviewing the approval of the agenda. and item number 3 is public comment. and the time for the members of the public to address the council on items of interest for the public that are within the subject matter jurisdiction of the council, that are not on this meeting agenda. and item 4, is the information item, the co-chair report. and item 5 is an information item for the accessible business entrance ordinance, abe, with an update, including proposed legislation and resolution. with a presentation by jeff buckley from the department of building inspection. item number 6 is a break. and item 7 is an information item, access to city employment ace program update, and preparation for the october disability employment awareness month. item 8 is an in