denise soler cox: thank you. amian: i know that i belong--i'm a member of the national association of hispanic journalists. denise: yes, i love those guys. damian: the symbol is the enye. denise: yes, i love that. damian: talk about the significance of the enye and why "project Ñ." denise: so, the significance of the enye, the enye is our letter. when a latino looks at the letter enye, you know-- damian: this is us. denise: that it's for us. right, versus the n. the n is like our american side, and the enye is our latino side. damian: what--we're gonna show you the trailer in its entirety, but right now we wanna show you just some video. what made you decide to do something on us who are latino-born americans? denise: yeah, what made me decide was really a life-long feeling of feeling disconnected and not feeling latino enough for my latino family and friends and not feeling american enough for the mainstream culture that i grew up in. i just didn't know where i belonged and i didn't feel enough for either side. a