deniso, welcome to the espresso channel, see and hear, now we will show the design of your car, and tellabout it, why you decided, you decided to work in this direction, although i will remind you that domestic cars are the third, you also had a hand, because you designed the car that we discussed with previous guest, but now you, as the director of the company , are creating a demining machine, so what is its special feature, why... do we need it, what are its features? yes, this is now a very relevant topic, demining the territories of our country, we already have a lot of samples of foreign equipment, but we need to create something of our own, so our company decided to occupy this niche and start with a simple machine, a small class, an analogue of bazhena 4, it has the same power, the same demining organs, but there is more, how to say, newer in development, newer technologies are used in the design, so we can improve something , actually, than the existing samples at the moment, mr. darisa, what is the peculiarity, relatively speaking, we know that bozhena is worth it, i don’t know