dollars loan to denko taste refinery project by the world bank's i.f.c. the world bank says this loan was designed to help nigeria increase the value addition of its natural resources sector specifically through fertilizes akpan says instead the world bank should have invested in a stable electricity supply for nigeria. if. he were looking though through for example that enclave going to have more jobs. we need. you know so we could go by without including. he has his fingers in many of the pies in nigeria sugar salt flour all but his name and this man proudly sells denko taste cement the company is a monopoly granted government protection from international competition provide market for all those with business. and. got out up about this if i was puttin up so money employment but experts say that once construction is finished below and medium skilled jobs at the refinery will vanish and the project could end up as another white elephant supported by a un organization. or program if you want more i can highly recommend our website to you that's called sl