i'm thrilled today to be recognized dennis chan. he started his career at munimobile about four years ago and he is in our maintenance training unit. what i want to recognize him about is the work that he has been doing to support the new flyer training program. as you know, we have put in an massive investment in our fleet and the commitment we made to this board and to the writing public was that we would maintain that fleet to the absolute highest standard and making sure that staff has all the training and the support they need to make those changes is a critical part of that commitment. dennis was assigned to help coordinate all of the filming logistics over the last several weeks. we have him making training videos for our hybrid and traditional coach fleet. they were out in our system. the film crew had such a positive experience that they wrote praising his work. i just want to quote them because i don't think i could have said it better. they said, i have been producing training videos for new fire across north american --