my name is dennis chiu and the principal of [inaudible] elementary. i can tell you we have a outstanding relationship with the family center. in the fall of last year we got a call saying we were going to have a family that was homeless and before they actually arrived some of them from kevin truit's office gave us a call and a head's up. we had a counselor from the office escort the family to come with the registration and that really helped out. as the family came and we made them acclimated to the school and right now we have two sites we had a couple of issues in the beginning because transportation was an issue. i thought that it was something as a school how can we help out; right? so kevin truit's office explained to the family if you get your kids to come to school everyday on time our office will provide the clipper card so that was one pard that helped. after that so we found out that our students to start not come to school and tard and he stopped coming so as i. >> >> investigated that what happened the adults -- not the children were at f