no, environmentalist dennis hayes, who served as the first national coordinator of earth day in 1970, talks about next year's 50th anniversary, and his organization's policy and public awareness campaigns. this 40 minute conversation was hosted by the national press club. >> good morning, welcome to the national press club, my name is allison fitzgerald kojak, i am a correspond with npr news, and i am the 112 resident of the national press club. i would like everyone to take a moment and check your cell phones, turn off, or turn the ringers off please we have several cameras in the room. >> the united states, will complete its withdrawal from the paris climate agreement, next year. there is a crisis of classic pollution in our oceans, and 100 year storms that seem to be happening with that news i would like to wish our guest today dennis is a happy 49th birthday. it was 49 years ago in 1970 that hayes helped launch the first day. it was a time of when america's national decision involved eagles was listed as an endangered species, as angeles and pittsburgh are routinely developed in t