neil: dennis kozlowski talking with me behind bars, remember that, he economy walking free,e?on are than he thinks. it's gentle and clinically proven to help restore and maintain regularity. look for citrucel today. neil: we've been following his story single most the moment he was locked away, now dennis kozloswki could be a free man, sooner than expected, new york supreme court overruling a parole board decision to not spring the former tyco boss free, the board initially denying parole saying that kaz in kosskozloswki wasa men a men. we have judge napolitano on if the board could be blinded. we'll get to a statement center kozloswki's parent in a moment, bubut. your sense of whether dennis cos kozloswki should be out now. >> i want to make it clear, i don't know him, but i have looked at some record information there. that record information in my opinion, i would assume any other right-thinking individual would bring us to the conclusion, he should have been released. neil: why wasn't he? >> well, we saw the reasons that board gave for not releasing him. they think he woul