. >> as for dennis landry, who has watched his paradise disappear, it has taken control. >> i wanted to save bayou corn, and i wanted to save the community that i helped to build. >> do you you did or is it lost? >> i think that i scored a 40 on the test. i didn't do too well. i never thought for a moment that we would be down to nine rents on sportsman's drive. >> landry's friends are gone. and the neighborhood will likely be demolished in the next year, and yet life here goes on. big business. >> the product that texas brian sent over to dow chemical, there's nowhere in there that says how long they have to respond to the complaint or suit. we'll wait to here, and of course the lawyers or the companies are not talking but the residents sure are and you would think that we would be hearing from others. >> robert ray for us, thank you. f. >> and the nation's top two cable providers are expected at a meeting tomorrow. discussing anti-trust concerns around comcast's planned purchase of time-warner cable. they urged federal regulators to scrap the deal >> reporter: it's the had a billio